Applications close Sunday, March 31








For 25 years the Deutsche Bank Awards for Creative Entrepreneurs has helped creatives bring their ideas to life.
In 2019, the bank is working with MeWe360 to find the best young talent wanting to drive positive social impact through their creative enterprise.


£50,000 prize fund

£100,000 worth of business support

5 winners


The programme aims to enable and celebrate creative entrepreneurship for social good led by 18-30-year olds in the UK today.

Should I apply?

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Here are some resources to help you with your application. They will also be useful to any creative wanting to learn more about turning an idea into reality and starting a business.
Videos – Inspiration, tips & guidance
Guide to writing a plan – Writing a plan to help turn your ideas into reality
Resource directory – Where to find more information and advice for entrepreneurs
Glossary – A glossary of key business words and concepts
Information events – Where to find information events to help you apply
FAQ – Frequently asked questions about applying
Tips for applying – General tips for applying to DBACE

Since 1993 DBACE has supported the launch of over 200 ventures

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